【アメリカンジョーク】面白い英語のダジャレ・ジョーク10選!! 英語と日本語で解説






1. “I used to be a baker, but I couldn’t make enough dough.”

– **「以前はパン屋だったけど、お金(生地)が足りなかった。」**

dough には「パンの生地」と「お金」という2つの意味があります。

   – The word “dough” has a double meaning: it refers to the mixture used in baking and is also slang for money.

2. “I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down.”

– **「反重力についての本を読んでいるけど、置くことができない。」**

Impossible to put downは面白くて本を置けないという意味で使われますが、今回は反重力の部分とかかっているジョークになります。

   – “Impossible to put down” usually means a book is very interesting, but in this context, it’s a play on anti-gravity making it literally impossible to put the book down.

3. “I’m on a seafood diet. I see food and I eat it.”

– **「シーフードダイエット中。食べ物を見たら、食べる。」**

the 親父ギャグって感じですよね笑

   – This pun plays on the homophones “seafood” (fish and other sea creatures) and “see food” (to visually notice food and then eat it).

4. “Why don’t skeletons fight each other? They don’t have the guts.”

– **「なぜ骸骨は戦わないのか?肝っ玉がないから。」**


   – Skeletons literally lack organs like guts, and “having guts” also means having courage.

5. “I would tell you a chemistry joke, but I know I wouldn’t get a reaction.”

– **「化学のジョークを言いたいけど、反応がないとわかっているからな〜。」**

reaction 「リアクション、反応」「化学反応」

   – “Reaction” has a double meaning: a response to a joke and a chemical reaction.

6. “I’m terrible at math, but I hear that calculus is integral to learning.”

– **「数学は苦手だけど、微積分は学ぶのに不可欠だと聞いた。」**

integral 「重要、不可欠」「積分(数学用語)」


   – The word “integral” is a pun on its mathematical meaning in calculus and its common use meaning essential or important.

7. “Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field.”

– **「なぜかかしが賞を取ったのか?畑で目立っていたから。」**

outstanding 「目立つ」「外に立つ」

field 「土地」「分野」



   – “Outstanding” means excellent, but it also literally means standing out in a field, where a scarecrow is typically placed.

8. “I stayed up all night to see where the sun went, and then it dawned on me.”

– **「一晩中太陽がどこに行くのか見ていたら、夜明けに気付いた。」**

dawn 「陽が出る」 dawn on me「わかってくる」

〈dawn on A〉の例文

It finally dawned on me that our youngest child was taking money from her purse.


   – “Dawned on me” means to suddenly realize something, and it’s also a reference to the sunrise.

9. “Have you heard about the restaurant on the moon? Great food, no atmosphere.”

– **「月のレストランのことを聞いたことがある?料理は最高だけど、雰囲気がない。」**

atmosphere 「雰囲気」「大気」

   – “No atmosphere” refers to the literal lack of an atmosphere on the moon and the lack of ambiance in the restaurant.

10. “I once told a joke about an elevator. It was an uplifting experience, but the joke had its ups and downs.”

– **「エレベーターのジョークを言ったことがある。盛り上がる経験だったけど、浮き沈みがあった。」**

ups and downsとエレベーターの動きが掛かっているジョークになります。

    – “Uplifting” means positive or inspiring, and “ups and downs” refers to the literal motion of an elevator and the metaphorical highs and lows of the joke.

